Bible Memory Institute

Most Bible colleges, Bible institutes and seminaries have their students spend a lot of time in Scripture but they also make them read lots of other books about the Bible.  The number of pages needed to be read gives a rush of words and page flipping.  Professors often want to focus on "problem passages" that the students were not previously aware of.  Much time is focused on speculation about the Bible and on the uncertainties in Scripture rather than on the sure and solid truths of God's greatness and love that are met in a more practical way in the Bible.  The result of focus on the speculative and uncertain can be one of disorientation instead of orientation.  The Bible Memory Institute of Be A Tree aims to do the opposite by focusing on memorization, meditation, formation, and witness.  

Memorizing one verse (or cluster) in all 260 chapters of the New Testament as well as selected Old Testament passages the student will go deep and wide and gaining a grasp of the breadth of the different books of the Bible and an ability to move to core truths with quick confidence in a ministry context.  The Witness of one who has obsessively delighted in God's Word can not be compared with someone who has a vague recollection of a truth in the Bible and googles to find and then share it.  

As Interest arrises a program will be developed to walk along side disciples as they take more formal and holistic approach to formation through memorization.  

Knowledge and Skill Outcome Goals:

Transformation Goals:



There is flexibility to how this can be structured.  It can be remote with a high reliance on zoom or done in a local cohort model that involves a lot of shared time and space.  It can be done synchronously where participants go through the same books at the same time or it could be done asynchronously where people are doing their own passages at their own pace and meeting in person or on zoom in small groups to discuss their insights into the text and themselves as they interact with it.  When a group of people become interested in this process a dialogue can be entered into that should result in a schedule that fits the situation.  


This is touched on in the guiding concept document linked at the top of the page.  Here is the gist:

College Credit Question

At this time getting college credit has not been investigated but for ministries looking for knowledge and skills acquisition the full program of 500 verses, 500 chapters studied, and 100 videos watched could possibly be considered equivalent of 9 to 12 credit hours covering Old Testament (3) and New Testament (3) survey, hermeneutics (3), and spiritual formation (3).  Written papers, journals, and capstone projects can be considered if desired.
